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Bridging chemistry, elevating medicine

1st support for Nurses
facing medication


"Reduction of Physico-Chemical Incompatibilities, a 26% Decrease in Potentially Lethal Complications"

PCI in Numbers

Physico-Chemical Incompatibility (PCI) = Adverse physical or chemical change of a medication

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12 billion Euros (€)

12 billion Euros of potential savings for healthcare facilities annually in France.

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20% of incompatibilities

Up to 20% of incompatible medications in healthcare services.

30% of complications

Medication incompatibility is responsible for a 30% increase in complications.

Original Positioning

DrugOptimal, the First Actor in Supporting Medication Safety in Nursing Practice

Our Work

DrugOptimal is:
- A research laboratory on medication compatibility and stability.
- An artificial intelligence model for predicting incompatibilities.
- The largest database in the world on physico-chemical incompatibilities (30,000 compatibility data).

Our Solutions

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Healthcare Facilities Software

Nursing Administration Assistance Software: The First Tool to Combat Medication Incompatibilities with Intelligent Care Solution Proposals.

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Nursing Home Software

The DrugOptimal solution tailored to the issues of crushability and mixing of medications with food.

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Compatibility/Stability Study Service

Stability of solutions and mixtures, Y-site compatibility, compatibility with solvents.

Our Partners

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uga website
lrb website
medicalps website
france biotech website
lyonbiopole website
minalogic website
adira website
tarmac website
In the Media

They're Talking About Us

Our Awards

Meet The Team


As an experienced entrepreneur, expert pharmacist in physico-chemical incompatibility, and sales director, I intervene on all clinical and medico-economic issues surrounding medication administration practices, product development strategy, deployment of the DrugOptimal solution, and client relations with healthcare facilities.

photo de profil Lugan


DrugOptimal CEO


Engineer and entrepreneur, passionate about innovation in healthcare and new managerial methods, I am responsible for the overall management of the company. I handle financial and accounting strategy, process management through quality, strategic partnerships, legal oversight, and the search for new talents.

photo de profil Matthieu

Matthieu GASC

DrugOptimal CEO


Engineer and Ph.D. in Computer Science with over 30 years of experience covering areas such as security, high availability systems, and artificial intelligence, I bring my expertise to a pragmatic company working for public health. I handle the technical development of the product, its security, and the creation and training of AI on medication incompatibilities.


DrugOptimal CTO
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